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NBN services


NBN internet 

&voice services


DVE Cloud has access to all NBN ready networks such as FTTN, FTTP, FTTC, HFC, Fixed Wireless and more.


These can be delivered direct to existing equipment on site with cooperation of current IT managers or supplied with a new router to suit. All connections can be optioned with 4G back up as a failover in case of NBN outages etc.

Managed Service Example

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Un-Managed Service Example

Unmanaged Network.png

DVE Cloud has access to the fastest NBN speeds available. When ordering premium NBN plans an A grade router will be supplied to ensure the local network is receiving all of the supplied bandwidth available from the service.


Customers also have the option to use existing equipment supplied through themselves and/or their supportive IT group, however cautions need to be made as certain devices will not be able to reach higher speeds.



Available Connection Speeds

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Technology Summary

Fixed Wireless - Fixed Wireless is an NBN technology type that involves a wireless dish being installed on your premise that transmits a signal to a receiving NBN fixed wireless tower. These connections are generally found in the outskirts of rural areas due to the lack of fixed NBN infrastructure available.


Applications to switch technology are available under the new technology switch program:


FTTN (Fibre to the Node) - Fibre to the Node is an NBN technology type that utilizes your existing copper line that may of been used for internet or an older telephone service. This copper line is then re-terminated / connected to a node in your area often within 1 Kilometre from your premise. 


This node unlike previous ADSL services, is then fed via a fibre optic cable back to the exchange. Using this method over older ADSL means there is a faster uplink between the exchange and your premises by shortening the distance of standard telephone cabling and utilizing fibre optic for a much larger distance.


Applications to switch technology are available under the new technology switch program:

FTTC (Fibre to the Curb) - Fibre to the Curb is a type of technology that uplinks an NTD that sits inside your premise as a network device (Network Termination Device) with a copper line via a DPU (Distribution Point Unit). The DPU often sits in a pit very close to your premise minimising the length of existing copper required opposed to FTTN.


Fibre to the Curb is often more reliable and has a greater chance of supplying our given speeds than a copper FTTN line does.


Applications to switch technology are available under the new technology switch program:

FTTP (Fibre to the Premise) - Fibre to the Premise is a type of technology that uplinks an NTD (Network Termination Device) via a direct optical fibre into your premise location. Similar to FTTC this is an ethernet termination unit and plugs directly into your router for internet connection.

FTTP is the go to technology for those doing a technology switch as it is the most reliable NBN infrastructure available and can deliver any of DVE Cloud's premium NBN speeds. (See above)

FTTB (Fibre to the Building) - Fibre to the Building is a type of technology generally used in apartment blocks or high rise buildings. This type of technology is similar to FTTN (Fibre to the Node) in how it terminates / connects to your modem. 

FTTB is a node that is installed in the central/main communications room within an apartment block that utilizes the existing copper infrastructure in place. Since ADSL connections were already utilizing the main Telstra frame it makes sense that the FTTB node is installed in the same location to pickup all of the existing infrastructure.


Voice Direct

DVE Cloud provides their own hybrid NBN Internet/Voice connection for public internet traffic and direct communications into the Cloud. This link houses a transparent tunnel direct to the Cloud PBX to reduce any latency that would incur over the public internet on your voice calls and provides you with generic internet at the same time.


This type of hybrid connection ensures there are no hiccups with voice quality and also eliminates the need for a second dedicated connection for simplicity and cost savings.





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Urban Life
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